Our Goal - Our goal in providing biblical counseling is to help you meet the challenges of life in a way that will please and honor the Lord Jesus Christ, and allow you to fully enjoy His love for you and His plans for your life.
We’re glad that you’re taking this important step to seek godly counsel. Jesus promises us, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). No matter what your situation, this is a time in your life that the God of all creation knows and understands completely and therefore, there is great hope! This form is helpful for us to start getting to know you and your situation, as well as to communicate these first important points which explain some of our perspectives and convictions which we believe are honoring to God and the best way we can truly be of help to you.
Biblical Basis- We believe that the Bible provides thorough guidance and instruction for faith and life (2 Peter 1:3 and Romans 15:4). Therefore, our counseling is based solely on scriptural principles rather than those of secular psychology or psychiatry. In order to support this conviction, we ask that all of those we counsel to be regular attendees to our Sunday morning worship services, as well as a weekly small group. These are vital components to your growth in the Lord, and we would be glad to help you find a group that is most suitable to you.
Not Professional Advice- Although some of the pastoral or lay counselors of this church may be licensed in other fields, such as medicine or psychology, they do not practice as professional doctors, psychologists or psychiatrists in their role as Biblical Counselors at Church at The Mill. In this role, they do not provide the same kind of professional advice and services that they do when they are hired in their professional capacities. Therefore, if you have significant legal, financial, medical or other technical questions, you should seek advice from independent professionals not associated with Church at The Mill. Our pastoral and lay counselors will be happy to cooperate with such advisors and help you to consider their counsel in the light of relevant biblical principles. By signing this “Consent to Biblical Counseling,” you agree to hold Church at The Mill harmless in any and all matters associated with the biblical advice you have received.
Confidentiality- Confidentiality is an important aspect of the counseling process, and we will carefully guard the information you entrust to us. There are situations, however, in which the counselor may believe that it is wise or mandated (biblically or legally) for them to share certain information with others.
Some examples would be:
1. When a counselor is uncertain about how to address a problem and needs to seek advice from another pastor or counselor.
2. When there is a concern that someone may be harmed unless others intervene.
3. When abuse or another crime must be reported to the authorities.
4. When a person refuses to renounce a particular sin and it becomes necessary to seek the assistance of others in the church to encourage repentance and reconciliation or to begin the process of church discipline (Proverbs 15:22, 24:11; Matthew 18:15-20)
5. When observers sit in on counseling sessions to assist the counselor or for training purposes, including audio and video recording.
6. When the counselee’s pastor, Small Group Leader, staff and/or leadership is needed to provide pastoral assistance.
Resolution of Conflicts- On rare occasions, a conflict may arise between counselor and counselee. In order to make sure that any such conflicts will be resolved in a biblically faithful manner, we require all of our counselees to agree that any dispute that arises with the counselor or with this church as a result of counseling will be settled with mediation within the church according to the principles of scripture and the authority of this local church. It is expressly understood that by agreeing in advance to arbitrate that the counselee is giving up his/her right to a trial in the civil courts.
Fees- Church at The Mill offers its’ biblical counseling services as a ministry and does not charge for sessions. We do ask that counselee’s cover the cost of any books or materials they use during their sessions. If a counselee wishes to give back to the Biblical Counseling at The Mill, they are welcome to make a donation through the church to this ministry.
For Parents - At least one parent or guardian must remain on campus and be available during all sessions for children that are 15 years or younger. Children and teen counseling is considered family counseling, therefore parents and guardians will often be included in the counseling process. If your 16 or 17 year old is a driver, you as the parent are responsible to ensure he/she is present and on time for appointments. We recognize this is a season of growing in independence for him/her. Please use your standard expectations of the comings and goings of your teen. We are not responsible for his/her whereabouts before or after our appointment.
Having clarified the principles and policies of our counseling ministry, we welcome the opportunity to minister to you in the name of Christ and to be used by Him as He helps you to grow in spiritual maturity and prepares you for usefulness in His body. If you have any questions about these guidelines, please talk with one of our pastors. If these guidelines are acceptable to you, please sign below.